English version of all error messages you can encounter while programming
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無法使用指定的資料類型對應。找不到來源類型 %1 的相符目的地資料類型。查詢系統資料表 msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings 中支援的對應清單。確認來源類型的長度、有效位數、小數位數和 Null 屬性正確。

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English version

Cannot use the specified data type mapping. The matching destination data type for source type %1 cannot be found. Query the system table msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings for a list of supported mappings. Verify that the length, precision, scale, and nullability of the source type are correct.

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 Chinese (Traditional) Legacy

Error category
 SQL Server

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