English version of all error messages you can encounter while programming
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Localized version

该会话已终止,因此无法接受新连接。当对正在注销的会话尝试执行新的批,或在连接过程中遇到严重错误时,会发生此错误。请查看错误日志,了解此会话是由 KILL 命令终止的还是因严重错误终止的。%1

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English version

Cannot accept a new connection because the session has been terminated. This error occurs when a new batch execution is attempted on a session that is logging out, or when a severe error is encountered upon connection. Check the error log to see if this session was terminated by a KILL command or because of severe errors.%1

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Localized version
 Chinese (Simplified) Legacy

Error category
 SQL Server

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