English version of all error messages you can encounter while programming
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嘗試註冊端點 '%1' 時發生錯誤。在 CREATE ENDPOINT 陳述式中指定的一或多個通訊埠可能繫結至其他處理。請使用不同的通訊埠重試陳述式,或者使用 netstat 找到正在使用該通訊埠的應用程式,並且解決衝突。

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English version

An error occurred while attempting to register the endpoint '%1'. One or more of the ports specified in the CREATE ENDPOINT statement may be bound to another process. Attempt the statement again with a different port or use netstat to find the application currently using the port and resolve the conflict.

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Localized version
 Chinese (Traditional) Legacy

Error category
 SQL Server

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