English version of all error messages you can encounter while programming
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在過去的 %2 秒內,工作者執行緒未在節點 %1 上收取到指派給處理序的新查詢。這種狀況可能是由封鎖或長時間執行的查詢所造成,且可能會對用戶端的回應時間造成負面影響。請使用 "max worker threads" 組態選項以增加允許的執行緒數目,或最佳化目前執行中的查詢。SQL 處理序使用率: %3%%。系統閒置率: %4%%。

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English version

New queries assigned to process on Node %1 have not been picked up by a worker thread in the last %2 seconds. Blocking or long-running queries can contribute to this condition, and may degrade client response time. Use the "max worker threads" configuration option to increase number of allowable threads, or optimize current running queries. SQL Process Utilization: %3%%. System Idle: %4%%.

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 Chinese (Traditional) Legacy

Error category
 SQL Server

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