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Windows 無法在 32 位元的環境開啟 64 位元延伸計數器 DLL %1 。請聯絡檔案廠商以取得 32 位元的版本。另一個選擇是,如果您正在執行 64 位元原始的環境,您可以開啟 64 位元版本的效能監視器開啟 64 位元延伸計數器。若要使用這個工具,請開啟 Windows 資料夾,Syswow32 資料夾,然後開啟 Perfmon.exe。

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English version

Windows cannot open the 64-bit extensible counter DLL %1 in a 32-bit environment. Contact the file vendor to obtain a 32-bit version. Alternatively if you are running a 64-bit native environment, you can open the 64-bit extensible counter DLL by using the 64-bit version of Performance Monitor. To use this tool, open the Windows folder, open the System32 folder, and then start Perfmon.exe.

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