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tempdb 中的空间不足以保存行版本。需要收缩版本存储区以在 tempdb 中释放一些空间。事务(id=%1 xsn=%2 spid=%3 elapsed_time=%4)已被标记为牺牲品,并且如果访问版本存储区则该事务将被回滚。如果问题仍然存在,则可能是因为 tempdb 的大小不合适或运行事务的时间太长。有关如何配置 tempdb 以进行版本控制的说明,请参阅联机丛书。

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English version

Insufficient space in tempdb to hold row versions. Need to shrink the version store to free up some space in tempdb. Transaction (id=%1 xsn=%2 spid=%3 elapsed_time=%4) has been marked as victim and it will be rolled back if it accesses the version store. If the problem persists, the likely cause is improperly sized tempdb or long running transactions. Please refer to BOL on how to configure tempdb for versioning.

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 Chinese (Simplified) Legacy

Error category
 SQL Server

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